Limited Time Loyalty Offer

Save $0.10 cents per litre on propane and home heating oil with McDougall Energy

As a loyal customer, we'd like to thank you for choosing to heat your home with McDougall Energy by offering a $0.10 cent discount on home heating oil and propane for a limited time only.

Offer runs September 1, 2024 - October 18, 2024.

On Demand Loyalty Promotion-Website Banner

How to claim your promotional offer:

To claim this exclusive and limited time offer, complete the form below to place your order for propane or heating oil. Please note the discounted price will be applied to the delivery date price and not the order date price.

On Demand Promo Form - McDougall Energy

"*" indicates required fields

Name (as exactly shown on your invoice)*
Enter account number with no spaces or dashes
Delivery Address*
Select your desired product*
